Own Your Journey.

Track your workouts from your smartphone. No ads. Free forever.

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Your free workout companion

RepQuest is a free, fully online workout tracker. It lets you log your strength training exercises (weight, reps, RPE, RIR, rest times) so you can keep track of your gym progress and progressively overload.

100% free, no ads, no installation needed!

RepQuest is a web app (PWA), meaning you can use it straight away without any setup! We are working in releasing in the app stores for your convenience, though.

The app is completely free to use, without any ads and no installation required. The web app works even without Internet connection, as it stores in your device all the needed information.

For basic users…

Enjoy a simple, beginner-friendly experience with the simple mode. This lets you focus on the key parameters in your fitness journey and hides most of the advanced stuff that casual users don’t need.

For advanced users…

Exceed your limits with advanced parameters and features, like RPE, RIR, supersets and even a 1RM calculator.

Track your body metrics

RepQuest also includes a body metrics tracker, so you can log your progress in parameters such as body weight, body fat and dimensions. A body fat calculator is also included.

Open source!

RepQuest app is open source, GPL licensed. This means you are free to view its source code, and even host your own version! Our source code repository is available here.

More to come…

RepQuest is still in development and we are working hard in RepCloud, the cloud platform that will connect with RepQuest to allow you to do even more. Stay tuned!